The Power of 822 Tweets

Quality or Quantity, what is more important? 🤔

Zoran Spirkovski
4 min readApr 1, 2022
Photo by visuals on Unsplash

I’m not much of a Twitter person (a tweeter), or at least I wasn’t up until last month (March 2022). What changed, and why would I start to consider myself a tweeter?

It’s very simple. I asked myself the following question:

What would happen if I started tweeting a lot?

Quickly followed up by many other questions:

  • What would my analytics look like?
  • Would anything change?
  • Is it worth tweeting 24/7?
  • What does one need to do to grow a following on Twitter?

These questions led me to start an experiment and see what would happen if I started tweeting, a lot. In order to get some reasonable and quantifiable data, I first had to take a look at what has happened before.

Past six months of activity (September 2021 to February 2022)

  • Tweets: 784
  • Tweet impressions: 128,195
  • Profile visits: 12,990
  • Mentions: 864
  • New followers: 84
February 2022 summary, for good measure.

tl:dr: It took me six months to make 84 followers, get 12,990 clicks on my profile and reach 128,195 impressions over 784 tweets in total.

That’s 130 tweets per month on average, each of them accounting for 0.017% of new followers on my Twitter profile.

In other words, my content sucks.

Realizing my weakness was not an interesting moment, but it enabled me to let loose. With quality out of the picture, I could focus on what’s truly important and relevant to my success.


With this idea in mind, it became clear that I needed to participate on Twitter to such an extent, so as to overthrow my past six months of organic tweeting and hopefully outperform them as well.

I wasn’t bogged down by vague concepts such as “providing value”, “being nice”, or “providing high-quality information”.

Quantity was the game, and there was only one way I could make it work.

To put things into perspective, here are the total number of tweets that I’ve made for the past six months prior to March.

March 2022

  • Tweets: 822 (Yes, I did tweet 200+ times in the first couple of days)
  • Tweet impressions: 136K
  • Profile visits: 13.2K
  • Mentions: 266
  • New followers: 54

So, what was the strategy?

It was very simple. Comment on everything. Make it meaningful, add to whatever discussion is happening, and try to be funny.

Despite talking so much about quantity, I did do my best to also go for quality posts from time to time, but to be honest, it wasn’t worth the time investment.

I could sit down and comment like mad to every interesting tweet that I could find on Crypto Twitter, posting random thoughts and ideas, and generally engaging with other Twitter people.

That’s that really.

What are the takeaways?

At least in the short term, Quantity works better than Quality on Crypto Twitter. You can meme your way to fandom, break away from the status quo, and come up with interesting ideas and you’ll be an influencer soon enough.

But I have a feeling that after a while you will hit a glass ceiling without a better idea of who you are and what you want to contribute to society.

Probably most important for brands is just how underappreciated comments can be for them. My top comment took me maybe 25 seconds to write and earned 8k+ impressions and 300 profile visits. Worthwhile investment?

Commenting on Twitter is reminiscent of hijacking other people’s networks for your own gain, so be careful. Make sure to contribute in a way that is meaningful to the original poster and your brand.

With all of this being said, it’s still wise to have several high-quality Twitter posts that provide a unique look into your life, product, or service, depending on whether you are tweeting for yourself or for a brand

These should be pinned and top of your profile, so anybody clicking on your profile will engage with them. This helps you transform Twitter followers and visitors into potential customers for you or your brand.

What’s next?

To be honest, this month provided a was enjoyable experience on Twitter for me, so I’m curious to see what more I can do if I set up simple rules and put in the work.

For April, I want to try my best to secure collaborations with more famous Twitter accounts. The idea is simple. Target Twitter accounts that have 5–50k followers and reach out to them with a simple copy/paste message.

Fundamentally, it’s going to boil down to:

“Your profile is very interesting and I would love to collaborate with you! Let me know if this sounds like something you would like to explore with me. :)”

Thank you for reading!’

I really appreciate you taking the time to read this article. If you like this type of content, follow me on Twitter and here on Medium to read about my marketing experiments whenever I publish them.



Zoran Spirkovski

Zoran publishes a blog post on Medium every day. He writes about whatever is relevant in his mind on the day he writes. Follow to get updates.