Promises are your social currency

The value of your word dictates the amount of money you can make

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Your word is your bond, and breaking it will hurt you greatly.

I can’t say that I’ve always delivered on my promises. Things happen, life gets in the way, and you fail to deliver. It can happen. But I never forget the negative effect it has on my reputation.

That’s why it’s important to avoid failing to deliver on your promise, whatever it may be, and to whomever. If you don’t want to do something, don’t make a promise. Saying “No, can’t do.” is just as valuable as agreement.

Keeping a balance between what you can promise and what you can deliver is mandatory for good business. You never want to go so far, that you eliminate the possibility of success. You never want to go so close, that you eliminate the possibility of growth.

Keep your promises tight. Don’t let your sink ship because of enthusiasm.



Zoran Spirkovski

Zoran publishes a blog post on Medium every day. He writes about whatever is relevant in his mind on the day he writes. Follow to get updates.